Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I've started my story!

Nice and early, I've still got a full three and a bit months to finish it.

Oh, I haven't mentioned it yet, but I am now entering the Women's Weekly Writing Competition which is due around the middle or end of February. I'm actually using the 'b story' of my novel idea so we'll see how it goes. It's a bit of a ghost story and not sure how it's going to hold up by itself.

I'm definitely one of those writers who really has no idea where something is going til it's pretty much finished. Maybe that's why I've found it so hard to call myself a writer and why procrastination comes so easily. Anyway, I'm really glad that I've pushed myself as I realise how bloody easy it is to fall into a slump of the just can't be fuckeds.

I found myself thinking all sorts of negative things when I was off doing my errands today. For instance I went down that very well worn neural highway that likes to tell me I've left it all too late. That this procrastinating, unfulfilled LAZY person is me, I'll never change. Everyone else who has ever made it is a great go-getter. Everything just comes so easily to 'them'.

Oh, and yeah, just to rub the ol' salt in I started pondering on the idea that maybe something happens neuralogically after, say the age 35, where your creative drive - if you haven't been exercising it (like moi hasn't) - just dies and that's it...sorry you missed your chance. by two years.

Of course I can back this up scientifically

Alls good now though mate!

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