Continuing on from where I left off yesterday, resolution No. 8 is to grow some balls! I tend to presume things or let things go only to stew over them for a day...then wake up early the next day to give them a good stir and let them simmer some more. I think this has got everything to do with giving a shit what people think of me. Really who CARES what people think? I could never in a million years be a rude prick or snidey bitch so what am I worried about? I can, however, be a grovelling apologiser and frankly I'm sick of it.
This has all come about because I woke up about half an hour ago stewing and simmering over some loose ends I left at work two and half weeks ago. I remember the first day of my leave, when 3 weeks spanned like eternity ahead of me, a little thought snuck into my head. It went a little like this:
"Don't you dare give one thought to work for three weeks."
Propping up this lovely thought was the feeling that everything was pretty much under control. Then I thought this:
"Shit, I really should have registered (da boss) for that conference in in New Zealand."
"Fuck! Why didn't I do it? I know it wasn't signed off but I could have at least got the registration form in."
"Fuck, fuck, I'm an idiot. I've really got to do something about this now."
The registration forms were with the finance department ready and waiting to be approved. I have an ok relationship with this department in general but it can sometimes get a bit grrrr with the book keeper (we'll just call her Toots). Generally Toots and I get along rather well. Her good points are that she can be really, really nice and helpful and I reckon she generally means well. Her not so good points are that she can get pretty rude (when she's in a bad mood) and let's just say she's not adverse to the odd power trip.
Anyway, I wanted to impinge on my holiday mindset in the least possible way so I sent an email to Toots the week after Christmas asking her to locate the conference forms and put them aside so I could come in and fax them off that week. The office is located in Fitzroy which is about a ten minute drive from home and where I do all me fun stuff so this wasn't going to be a hassle.
I get a very nice email back from Toots saying she will 'sort it out' and to 'enjoy my holiday'. Do I gather from this that she will fax the goddamn forms or just put them aside? Do I ask her to clarify? NO, just a grovelly thank you and an undeclared
assumption that 'sort it out' means faxing the conference forms.
I just manage to not worry about it....Until the beginning of this week.
So I email her again.
"Thanks again blahdeblahblah...did you fax those conference forms?"
Her response was "I did everything you asked me to do".
Now I
am worried but what do I do? If I'd reached the stage where I honestly acted in my best interest and not in the interest of hoping Toots doesn't think I'm a mother hubbard worrywort I would call her and demand a straight answer (in the nicest possible way, of course!)
I haven't reached my goal YET so right now I just have to hope for the best and
assume that her above response is a roundabout way of saying 'Yes, I did fax those forms that very day."
Now that you are rivetted by my rich working life I will be sure to keep you posted on what happens when I get back to work next Monday.